Thursday, November 11, 2004

First day to blog...

I have been reading a couple of my friends blog, but never thought it would be me to have one due to the matter of fact that I used to think the traditional way of keeping a diary is much better.

Well, I changed my mind. Not as hassle as I thought it would be. In fact, it's a way to "blast" out stuff. It all begins with a blog word in google and I found this site, here I am, writing this.

It has been drizzling since last night and still going on. Just had my so-called brunch + tea time with macaroni with miso soup, hash brown, chicken nuggets and prawn dumpling. Very filling indeed.

Almost forgot to mention that I just received a birthday card from my dear friend back home! This is the earliest card so far! Thanks gal, it really made my day.

I'm skipping tonight's class as I guess my temporary lecturer, John will not teach new things till next monday. The exam for this new module - Digital Fundamentals is scheduled next Wednesday, I still afford to miss one day. I'm so sick of changing lecturer from time to time, true in a way that they all have different areas of expertise, but of all, I still prefer Ric. He's the best.

There, my long weekend has begun...

1 Old Comments:

Hey gal...
Nice blog! I see, I've got the blog virus spread to you... Fun eh? kkekeke... Have fun blogging... I'll pop by daily to see what's in the up coming life of my dear old fren! Cheers gal... Oh ya... Might be poping by to visit u in few months time! Take care ya!! Muaks and Hugs always

By Blogger klyn2980, at 11:24 AM, November 12, 2004