Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Hey mum, happy mother's day! Though I know shopping in Japan is great but tomorrow ok, we'll celebrate for you. I think everyday is a mother's day for you cos you have the best kids in town. Hahaha..

Few days ago, dad called me from China, asking me how am I and what was I doing as I was home alone. I think in his heart, no matter how old I am, I'm always his little girl as I suppose all the dad in the world will think that way. I was very happy when he called cos he sound so fatherly. Asking me to eat, ask if I'm scared or not all that. I know at the age of 25, most dad wouldn't do that but he did.

And today, we went centerpoint to get some nails for the wall to hang up my future map of the world. The concrete wall is so solid until all the nails went bended. I was waiting in the car and guess what, dad came back with the nails and baskin robbin ice cream for me!!! 2 scoops! Hahaha.. see, he still treat me like a small kid. The feeling of having the ice cream from your parents is so goodd... Just like the old days.. Some things never changed..

I don't mind to be treated as a small girl.. Who else in the world would do that to you anyway.. Only those who love you!

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