Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I will not

I have to write this down somewhere. I don't want it to be in my heart thought I know it always will. At least a part of it will be here forever.

I'm not telling what and who and how and when but all I want to say is, all my life I never knew what it feels like to hate someone because I don't like the feeling hatred and I believe everything can be forgiven and find its own solution.

I will never forgive and forget what you've done. I thought you were nice. Yes you were but only under certain circumstances. I saw the other side of you and I saw an evil person.

Thank you for being the first. I will never be the same because of you. You made me realised how evil and fake a person can be. You made the most important day in my life less perfect when it should have been perfect.

You will never replace anyone in my life because you are not them and you never will be.

I was taught not to hold grudge towards anyone but trust me, this is the only grudge I will hold till the day I step into my grave.

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