Sunday, May 08, 2005

Hills again

I felt extremely tired eventhough I woke up at 1pm today. I spent my whole yesterday in Endeavour Hills, yup in Mandy's place. Had a house warming party yesterday night, so I was there in the morning to help her out. I took the same 9.50am train 2 weeks ago to get to Boxhill. She picked us up and we went to shop for things needed for the party.

Spent almost the whole afternoon marinating meat, preparing salads, cooking dishes and the most wonderful thing that happened was to clean up the BBQ place. Well I've never done the cleaning part before.. So, I was only helping. It was gross man. Because she didn't know the previous tenant who stayed there didn't clean it up before she bought the house. It took us some time to scrub off the grease.

Anyways, had a great party. It was so different from Asian party though. Aussie only care about drinking, and not eating. They drink even they're empty stomach. So the whole night was all about drinking and drinking and drinking. Most of the people who came were her colleagues. Only a few were friends from high school and uni, like me. Ocassionally I'll be bored, and when I got someone to talk to me then I won't. Me and a few people end up playing cards. I've learnt 2 new card games. The "Thirteen" was actually the so-called "Big-2" or "Cho Tai Dee" for chinese. But for vietnamese, they were called thirteen. The funny rules were:

1. Heart is the largest followed by diamond, spade and club.
2. In a 5-cards situation, you can't include 2.
3. No same suit like diamond 2,4,6,8,9 is allowed.
4. You can put as many continuous cards as you can such as : 7, 8, 9 or 3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

She really confused me! But I won anyways, haha. And then this guy came and taugh us a new game - The idiot's game. It was somewhat similiar to Uno. The rules were:

1. No suits is the largest. It goes by numbers.
2. If it reached 10, all the cards will be kept aside.
3. If it reached 7, you gotta put numbers below 7.
4. You can put 2 anytime you want.
5. 3 is to skip.
6. 5 is invisible.

And the last one would be the idiot - which was me! Time flies and everyone went home. Endeavour Hills temperature was so much lower than anywhere else. I was still shivering with 3 layers of clothes. Good news was we got a free ride from Mandy's colleague, bad news was we missed the last train from Boxhill! Took a cab all the way back to the city... damn..

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