Thursday, May 05, 2005

Childhood TV Shows

I was up late yesterday night searching for old TV shows/series. Thanks to the new P2P program that I found. It all started with Harry Potter. Well, I'm a huge Potter fan you see. I was intending to search for the pdf version to be kept in my pc but I accidently found Book 6 - Harry Potter and the half-blood prince which supposed to be released in this coming 16th of July. So, I download it. For sure I'm going to get a "real" book in July because I wouldn't want to disappoint J.K Rowling for her hard work by just reading it on my pc. *As if she knows* But still, I support the originals for things that I like. =)
Back to the program I mentioned.. I found so many of my childhood TV shows such as Mcgyver, Knight Riders, Airwolf, Seaquest DSV (Not really childhood but I love it to the max), cartoons like Transformers, Thundercat, Ducktales, Smurfs(, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Yea they were all very "boyish". Maybe because I spent time with my brother more, haha.. I'm not a barbie-doll girl. I used to have one but don't really like it. What else.. there were these few that I love to watch such as My little pony, Carebears, Jem ( I'll never forget these few. I could still remember being awake at 10am every Sunday to watch Jem.

There were too many old TV shows available for download. Can't wait to have them all to bring back my childhood memories. Just a few episodes will do.

Song of the day: Lifehouse - You and me

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