Wednesday, June 13, 2007


It feels sooooo good to have short hair. As in REAL good. Never had short since I was Form 3 which was almost 10 years ago. Besides feeling good, it save shampoo, save water, save time.. save everything. I don't know how to explain, but let's say if you had this one thing for a long long time, you get sick of it and when you can get rid of it that kinda feeling.

So what makes me chopped of the curly hair before? I don't like it anymore. I had permed hair before this. During the first few months, I woke up every morning, style it, curl it whatever you call it and as time goes by, I'm getting more and more lazy and bored of it because I'm styling it the same way over and over again. Permed hair without styling = I'll looked fugly

Now I have short and straighten hair. =)

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