Friday, April 22, 2005


My violin has finally arrived to my doorstep yesterday morning. Those blardee officer in the custom sorta damage my case. Not too serious but my bow couldn't fit in its usual place anymore. Had to admit that Australian quarantine is strict enough but not to the extend to damage other's property. Anyways.... I was glad to still get it in one piece. I can't wait to play when I got it but my D string broke at the right time. Damn it.. I had no idea how on earth to change a string on a violin until today. I'm so proud of myself for doing that!

Mum has been so nice to send me a mini 1.5L slow cooker from National. Hehe.. Can't find it elsewhere in Aus for such a small slow cooker. I don't like using the big one here as its way too heavy and abit dumb to use it if I'm not cooking so much. So yea, thanks Mum!

For the time being..

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