Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What's your standard?

Everyone has got their own measurement tape of how things should be done, how much pressure you can take, how much pain you can endure etc etc.. But what exactly is the standard of your choice of man? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a maniac who enjoys measuring any part of mens body but instead of what kind of man attracts me and their manhood.

What makes a man a man? I have my standards, rules and regulations.

I do admit that Dad plays a very important role in this topic. I'm not trying to praise my dad here but I can't think of anything for me to talk bad about. He is a very responsible man. He take cares of our whole family, very well. His priority at anytime will be his family.

And because of that, everything he did as a father and a husband influenced me alot. Put it this way, I will expect any male to have those qualities and if anyone fail to have those, they lost their impression points.

I expect a man to..

- Be loyal and faithful to his partner, at all time.
- Smarter than me. Taller than me. Skin must be rougher than me.
- Bleed like a man. Don't yell for ambulance for a small cut. (There were once dad got this deep cut while changing the headlamp of my car because I crashed into someone else. He didn't say a word though he was bleeding alot.)
- Get rid of any sorts of insects such as cockroach and spider for me.
- Lend me his shoulder when I need to.
- Fix all the electronic appliances during malfunction.
- Be social active.
- Pay my meals.
- Respect woman.

These are just maybe 1/10 of my expectations.. I don't know, some might think I'm demanding but who doesn't anyway? And of course in reality, thing's are not perfect and if you're the 1 in a zillion who met the someone who met all your expectations, congrats! For those who did not, as long as he love you, stop comparing. Try to change if you must, but if you can't, accept it. =)

1 Old Comments:

- Be loyal and faithful to his partner, at all time.
(我认为爱比以上更重要!因为有爱,才不会去伤害对方, 因为有爱,才能忠心至死不渝。。)

- Smarter than me. Taller than me. Skin must be rougher than me.

高??可以穿platform shoes wor..


- Bleed like a man. Don't yell for ambulance for a small cut. (There were once dad got this deep cut while changing the headlamp of my car because I crashed into someone else. He didn't say a word though he was bleeding alot.)
(血很宝贵,我宁愿流泪。。如果要流血,我会把血捐了,至少能救人。。but i RESPECT YOUR FATHER, HE IS GOOD ROLE MODEL)

- Get rid of any sorts of insects such as cockroach and spider for me.

- Lend me his shoulder when I need to.
(can you supply shoulder pads??!)

- Fix all the electronic appliances during malfunction.

- Be social active.

- Pay my meals.

- Respect woman.
(ERROR.. it should be "Respect WOMEN")



By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:29 AM, October 13, 2005