Thanks for the addons
Never in my l entire life have I tasted cockroach. Today I tasted 2.

It was Friday night and its supposed to be a day to chill out after the whole week. I was in Straits Cafe, Centrepoint, Bandar Utama for dinner. A place for some local food. When I was half done with it, I found the first invader. I felt disgusted but I continued because I was almost done. What's the point of stopping when you know maybe you have already swallowed its leg or something. Until I found the second one, I almost vomit. If I continue, I must be insane.
Being someone with not much temper, they're lucky to have me eating that bowl of noodles. Others, I don't know what they'll do to you. The most disappointed part was the boss didn't apologised to me. Although he did sent his worker to do so even he know what happaned and the bowl of Assam Laksa is FOC, I'll never go back to the place again, ever.

It was Friday night and its supposed to be a day to chill out after the whole week. I was in Straits Cafe, Centrepoint, Bandar Utama for dinner. A place for some local food. When I was half done with it, I found the first invader. I felt disgusted but I continued because I was almost done. What's the point of stopping when you know maybe you have already swallowed its leg or something. Until I found the second one, I almost vomit. If I continue, I must be insane.
Being someone with not much temper, they're lucky to have me eating that bowl of noodles. Others, I don't know what they'll do to you. The most disappointed part was the boss didn't apologised to me. Although he did sent his worker to do so even he know what happaned and the bowl of Assam Laksa is FOC, I'll never go back to the place again, ever.