Friday, March 18, 2005


Had an appointment with the immigration at 12.30 today. They made me waited for half an hour eventhough I had an appointment. How not efficient huh? It took them another half an hour to sort out what went wrong with my student visa application. I just couldn't figure out how these people think. It was so simply and yet they worsen it. Apparently the problem that I wasn't granted a visa in time was because I finished my degree and then went to took another diploma. I was told that they looked for career development when a visa is deciding. And now that I had changed education provider, they assumed that I am re-doing my course! How insane could that be? After I justify that I wasn't re-doing it, then she said I changed my mind from time to time by doing IT to Sound Engineering then now to Technical Production!

I almost raised my voice in front of her when she mentioned that. The course name is different but I am studying the same thing. I even told her she can call them up and ask if she want. Then, again she tried to find fault with me. She suspected the release letter from my previous school was a fake one. She said something was wrong with the signature because that wasn't a genuine signature, then she demonstrated how it should looked like from the back. So, I told her I got no idea. That was what I received. She went away and spoke to the student liason officer after that. The visa will be approved after my medibank renewal. I haven't been that angry since quite some time ago!

She advised me to apply for a PR since I was here for some years. I wish I did applied after I finish the degree in 2003. I could have saved so much for all these blardee visa thing and got so much benefit! Regreting now.. Anyways, I was thinking about that too. I'm now finding ways to apply. Now I finally understand why its worth to apply after my degree of 2 years because I'll get more than the application fees. Well, there'll be ways to do it I know, just gotta find out how.

Went to pay the fine and got my medical fees claimed back too. The lady didn't give me back what I should have! 85% of 45 bucks should be 36 bucks but I only received 26.20. Maybe she mistype it by 58% !!!!! And I just realised she didn't give me any receipt! And its a weekened tomorrow!! Sigh.. why me?? I felt cheated..

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