Friday, March 04, 2005

Endavour Hill

Went out with Mandy today. As usual, it was great to catch up with her. I'll never get bored when she's around, she just keep talking.. hehe.. which is good! We went to the Shanghai restaurant in Chinatown and then went straight to Endavour Hill, a suburb which is 30-40 minutes drive from the City!

She just want to show me her new house! Actually I told her to the week before.. OMG.. that place is so nice. Peaceful and quiet.. She just bought it last month or so and she'll be moving in soon! At the age of 23, she's got everything. First, a good job in Telstra, then a car and now a house! *Salute* Compared to me, I haven't got a single thing mentioned up there.. hehe.. But I told myself its ok.. At least I won't have to worry about those loans or I'm sure I'll achieve something in my life in the future.

We spent almost 1 hour ++ in the car. And finally on the way back, we stopped by at Blackburn for dessert. That so-called food court has got varities of food! Malaysian-Chinese, Indians etc etc. I even saw rojak.. Haha. Majority were Indians there, a nice place to hang around though. For the dinner and dessert place, we had table 11.. Such coincidence, or what was that suppose to mean? Hmm, gotta check out the numerology book tomorrow!

Thanks for the day gal!

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