Saturday, April 02, 2005

Conclusion is..

After the let-it-all-out session yesterday, finally I let Dan know how I felt. But of course I understand how it might affect him too. First, his relationship wasn't good all this while with the sis, so I wouldn't want it to be worsen because of me. Second, I understand his situation by how will he explain to his sis if I throw away her things. Third, I'm much mature than her, so I will not get angry anymore because of this donkey.

Latest news was I heard that she will be coming back anytime before June. At first the mum comes with her, but now the mum is not coming so she decided to stay outside instead of staying in our place. How stupid huh? We didn't actually argue face-to-face before, so I don't understand why she gets so cautious about everything related to me. For now, I will wait till she comes back, take whatever she needs to take back to HK, get rid of everything she left behind, don't make me settle it for her. If she insist of still wanting us to keep her stuff.. Hmm.. what shall I do.. Tell her off? Charge her storage fees? I'm not being demanding, the least I need is a time for how long I will be keeping it? Will know soon..

1 Old Comments:

We may have momentary defeats and setbacks in our ... life, but we are confident that the final glorious triumph ... is certain.

No soldier goes into battle without equipment designed to defeat the opponent...

are u ready to fight with a "family member"?

who else,
char siew here..

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:54 AM, April 30, 2005