Friday, October 14, 2005

I want LOST!

Suddenly I felt like watching LOST. Sigh.. the shit part about TV drama is it's a once-a-week-only thing. How I wish to have the whole season 2 with me now so that I won't be guessing and analysing the plot behind. I do have the choice of not thinking but I couldn't help it. I'm a scorpion, I make use of my analytical skills all the time.

Ever since I finished season 1, I was so eager to know what the hell is in the hatch and now that I know what's inside, I wonder what is going to happen if they don't follow Desmond's order to push that group of numbers to keep them alive? 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. By now I can easily remember..

It's showing every Wednesday on abc in the states. Lucky you people over there and those who can watch from other channels. Too bad for me! But.. I connect the world with BT nowadays and that's the best software human ever developed. I'll be watching for tomorrow's dinner.. Haha..

2 Old Comments:

I think that most tv series have that kind of effect on people. Of course not all la, just most...and yeah BT is the best!!! hahaha...although i heard that the creator is coming up with something new.

By Blogger , at 4:09 AM, October 15, 2005  

hehee.. hands and legs up to agree..

By Blogger Tracy, at 7:45 PM, October 15, 2005