I spent my few days in Alor Star. At first it was mum's idea to go visit her hometown then I was inspired by Jay's song - 稻香 (Dao Xiang) and thought maybe its good to give myself a short break and head north to smell the paddy!
People in small town tend to be so much nicer and warmer. Most important, they are themselves. They are real. At least I don't feel that they have barrier and that so-called defense wall like us.
Here I don't have to worry about how shitty I look when I go out, I walked straight out to the market with my pyjamas without combing my hair, brushing my teeth and washing my face. It feels soooo damn good.

I asked mum how old is this tree. Its as old as long as she can remember..
Grandfather's clock
Here I don't have to worry about how shitty I look when I go out, I walked straight out to the market with my pyjamas without combing my hair, brushing my teeth and washing my face. It feels soooo damn good.
I grew up in the city, so I'll never know and never understand how people live in small town feels like. Visiting to these places makes me appreciate where I am now. I remembered the trip back to China, dad's hometown was great. It was 5 years ago. I got to see the aunty I met for the second time in my life and cousins that I never knew existed. Sometimes I wonder what would I be if my grandfather didn't bring my dad to Malaysia? Will I be like the rest of the cousins?
I'm blessed that I know how both my parents grow up and maybe why I'm me and nothing really matters as long as you're happy no matter where you are!
I'm blessed that I know how both my parents grow up and maybe why I'm me and nothing really matters as long as you're happy no matter where you are!