Sunday, November 02, 2008

Late night

Sunday supposed to be relaxed and chilled.. BUT.. Somehow some assholes will screw up your weekend once in a while. The whole day of doing nothing and the thought of I have to work at this miserable hour of 11pm makes me wanna puke. 11pm is the time I'm getting ready to sleep. I don't mind if it has to be a weekend job, but not like this. Fuck whoever celebrity you are. And so happened all the males in the company are out station. Such a coincidence.

After all the cursing and swearing since Friday (the day I know I have to do this recording), the curse actually worked a little bit. It wasn't 11pm but 9pm. One vocalist coming at 9 and the other one coming at 11. Still...... I was cursing it to cancel or postponed till weekday!

The cursing and swearing wasn't that effective. It took me the whole Friday night to convince myself to accept it. It's raining outside and how wish I can sleep till next morning. The moral of the story is..

If you can't beat it, join it!

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