Saturday, April 16, 2005


Instead of thinking about problems mentioned in my previous blog, I had been extra hardworking these 2 days. I'd been reading my JMC notes, trying to recall what has been taught. Besides, I finally started flipping on the practical studio techniques book which I received almost a month ago.

Good thing about is I'm serious about what I'm doing, as in I know well that I'm in love with audio engineering now. I even got myself a Mbox. I don't know if this is a wise decision or not but I promise myself that I will make the fullest out of it! I thought it would be great to own one because its never a waste to invest on something like that which will never get out-dated easily and I'll be using it pretty often. I won't have to stay in school for the whole 23 assignments and I can do my own recording at home.

I'm abit homesick now.. The feeling just hit me so sudden. Maybe its a good idea to call home..

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