I Got My Cert!!
Without having breakfast this morning, I went straight to hand in my assignments. I was glad to see Miss S this time. Guess what? We TALKED for the first time!! How amazing.. She wasn't as arrogant as I thought.. It took me an hour to double checked my work before I put it in CD. Again it was the Mac-PC compatibility thingy. Some of my audio files were missing and I got no idea where they were. I managed to locate them in my memory stick in a folder which I named it "Miscellaneous". My sixth sense was telling me "You'll need this" yesterday when I was transfering them to the memory stick. I could have just ignore it but somehow I listened and it saved me from lots of trouble! So, BELIEVE IN YOUR SIXTH SENSE..
As a loyal PC user, I was having a hard time using one of the eMac. I was like:"Wow, they don't need a CPU to run their OS." How would I know the big white monitor has a built-in brain? The worst thing was when I couldn't find a CD drive. After a long search while I was trying to dig out a flip in the front panel, I found it! You actually need to hit the eject button on the keyboard and not to dig it out with your finger, genius! Luckily no one saw me, hahaha.. I learnt my lesson.
Finally, I went JMC and collected my Certificate and transcript. All my hard work since July last year. Eventhough it was just a cert, but damn, I'm so proud of myself!!
As a loyal PC user, I was having a hard time using one of the eMac. I was like:"Wow, they don't need a CPU to run their OS." How would I know the big white monitor has a built-in brain? The worst thing was when I couldn't find a CD drive. After a long search while I was trying to dig out a flip in the front panel, I found it! You actually need to hit the eject button on the keyboard and not to dig it out with your finger, genius! Luckily no one saw me, hahaha.. I learnt my lesson.
Finally, I went JMC and collected my Certificate and transcript. All my hard work since July last year. Eventhough it was just a cert, but damn, I'm so proud of myself!!