Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars III, big deal?

Of course there is no big deal with Star Wars, but then I still paid and watched it. Well it definitely worth the amount I would say. Honestly I'm not a Star Wars fan, but the fact that it was a George Lucas Production, so.. Let me just make a few comments about this movie..

+ve elements:
1. I enjoyed the space battle and Jedi fights so much.
2. Isn't it brilliant to send ONE Jedi to kill somone instead of.. ?
3. The way Obi Wan fought General Grevious was awesome.
4. The city landscape was amazing.
5. I love this : "You were supposed to be the chosen one!"
6. Oh ya, Yoda was cool too..

-ve elements:
1. Anakin had turned to the dark side. He was my favourite.. Oh well..
2. The love story between Padme and Anakin could be better.
3. Anakin shouldn't be left to deal with the dark force himself.
4. I wish I could fast forward some dialogue scenes.

The conclusion I've got here is, go watch. It's worth it.

1 Old Comments:

hiya, just randomly dropped by...looks like we share the same views on the -ve lol, cept that i knew bout anakin goin dark side so won't count that ;P

By Blogger , at 1:25 AM, May 21, 2005