Happy August
I slept at 4am yesterday because I was watching TV because I couldn't sleep because I slept late for the whole week. Surprisingly I woke up before my alarm buzz off. It's 1st of August that's why, I thought. Whatever it is, Happy August..
I got on the tram as usual, and this lady who sat besides me asked me for directions. I'm happy to tell her and said will remind her when we get to the stop. Had a little chat. This lady from Queensland came to visit her twin son in Melbourne which happened that the birthday is this Friday. Etc etc etc..
Oh ya, got my marks for the speech editing and song editing assignments. I did pretty good! Yay! After class, I went to meet up with Dan for lunch. We went Seoul Garden. I wonder why I'm still going to that place since their food taste like MSG, which is good. No doubt the food is great, but I was having the worst mood swing and drowsiness ever! As in from this restaurant. God knows what the hell they put in the food.
Bye Seoul Garden..
I got on the tram as usual, and this lady who sat besides me asked me for directions. I'm happy to tell her and said will remind her when we get to the stop. Had a little chat. This lady from Queensland came to visit her twin son in Melbourne which happened that the birthday is this Friday. Etc etc etc..
Oh ya, got my marks for the speech editing and song editing assignments. I did pretty good! Yay! After class, I went to meet up with Dan for lunch. We went Seoul Garden. I wonder why I'm still going to that place since their food taste like MSG, which is good. No doubt the food is great, but I was having the worst mood swing and drowsiness ever! As in from this restaurant. God knows what the hell they put in the food.

Chat with Elaine on MSN earlier. It has been ages since we last spoke to each other. She was the only nice person who happened to stayed in the city during my final year in Deakin who give me free rides to Uni and also a team mate.. Glad that she's doing fine now. Though we didn't know each other for many years, but will catch up when we're free ok! See ya soon..