Monday, October 24, 2005

Lucky's Gone

The survivor of the Sept 9 aftermath, Lucky was found dead in its tank this afternoon.

I knew this will happen because Lucky was on medication since then but the black patch on its tail still as obvious as before. I woke up late today so I'm not sure the "official" time. Might be last night, or this morning..

Anyway, I wasn't very sad compared to Happy's death. I didn't cry but instead I accepted it in peace. I was happy that the two can finally reunite.

Bye Happy..
12 July 2005 - 24 October 2005

What should I do with the tank now?

1 Old Comments:


What should I do with the tank now?

恢复生机。。 其实我觉得鱼的寿命比人短。。



By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:20 PM, October 24, 2005