Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Reply Me!

明天會更好 is really true.. Literatlly translated as tomorrow will be better. I totally forgot about yesterday. I will not be unhappy for all these tiny matters in my life anymore because it takes more cells to frown than to smile.. So.. just smile!

I mailed my lecturer and he replied me with this:

Upon canceling the midi assignments i offered the class to come to me on an individual basis and ask for compensation on the assignment work. So... what you need to do is show me how much time you spent doing the work and give me what work you've done. You also need to think of how you would like to be compensated. Obviously cash is not an option but perhaps you have an overdue assignment you would like to wave penalty on, or something like that?

And I replied this:

For those assignments, I started doing it in August. Maybe you can check the booking system.. I started it earlier because I don't know how to use the O2R and that's why I managed to finish. I submitted to you on the 3/10. It's in the assignment tray..

I'm not sure how I would like to be compensated, do you think I can sort of exchange it with other assignments? Not sure if you remember I told you months ago that I'll be away after Christmas break till exam time. You said its possible as long as I can finish everything. Can I not doing some of those 6A, 6B and 6C? I'll still be doing the major recording and I need to know how to do all these anyways. Just that I won't have to hand it in.

I'm trying my best to finish things up but I really hope my effort wouldn't go down the drain again.. It's sad to know that some in the class haven't started, while I've done it all.

Alright, it's really up to you to decide.. Pls tell me even its a no and I'll think of something else..

Hope he says YES.. Or else.. There's nothing I can do right?

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