Saturday, November 27, 2004


Haven't been blogging since last week or so. First of all, I was busy and second, my internet connection sux to the max but it seems like the speed is getting better this morning. Didn't have a good sleep yesterday night. I gotta blame the weather again! It was hot and humid. Additionally, this morning was cloudy! Damn, caused me mood swing. Or perhaps it was PMS too..

Well, whatever. Not my day that's all. Just finished wrapping a friend's pressie. Later in the evening gotta go for birthday dinner in south yarra with a bunch of ex-deakin mates. As for now, I better go do something to control my mood before I piss anyone off tonight! =)

Oh ya, to my 3 buddies back home and Matt in S'pore, received the gifts from u all yesterday! Thanks so much! That lilac Tees was gorgeous and the Hello Kitty crystal collections from Mcdonalds was superb!

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