Tuesday, December 07, 2004

New Planet?

I had a weird dream last night. It wasn't really weird, fascinating perhaps! Me and a bunch of friends had been kidnapped to another planet. It was half kidnapped and half willingly being kidnapped. We were sent to the city by a train sort of transport and reached some kind of underground "base".

A woman was stationed there to watch us, just incase anyone of us intend to escape. Surprisingly in the dream, we weren't afraid as in scream and struggle and try all different ways to escape. No. In fact, under the "base", in order for us to go back to earth, we had to solve a crossword puzzle. And the completion of the puzzle will lead us to the "Lock Room", which is the core of the "base" and there will be something which can send us back to earth.

So, everyone were trying hard to solve it. After some time, few people managed to solve it! And few other people try to distract the woman who was watching us so that they can escape and get to the lock room. This part of the dream has ended and another part of the dream began.

We took a short walk out there. This planet wasn't too bad. Not much development. Even the city looked like suburb. A very peaceful planet. In the dream, it was Friday night. We were told by another friend to check out how their Friday night would be like. And the truth is it was like any other usual day. Nothing much happened, no life, no music, just normal. Then we were back to the base and met another friend. He had been kidnapped to work in that planet in some laundry place. But the funniest thing he said was he had to send his laundry back to earth because his working place doesn't allow him to do it here. ??

Anyway, later we were in some shopping center's underground carpark. Couldn't really remember what happened, maybe couldn't find the car or something else. That carpark was bright and nice, with a little hot food stall located in the middle of it.

.. That was my dream. Seriously, I wouldn't mind moving there IF this place really exist.

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