Sunday, January 16, 2005

Future World Map

Had a great day today. Met up with Anna and Peter for lunch in an Indian Restaurant in Johnston St, Fitzroy. That place is called Guru Da Dhaba, pure Indian food. Yummy.. The food was delicious, everything was perfect. Right time because I was starving, right people because they were nice, right location because i got free ride.

Anna and Peter are my sister's crystal supplier in Melbourne. This is the second time I meet up with them. The first time was few weeks back when they went to Malaysia for travelling. Even before that I do spoke to her over the phone for goods delivery. For some reason, I felt that me and my sis are connected to them in a way, hidden connection I would say.

After the feast, they brought me back to their home and workplace. How nice to work downstairs and live upstairs of a huge place. I really love their house! Both floors are interconnected by stairs of course, but the special thing was the spiral staircase. There were 2 of them! One of them connects to an ethic, just like a mezzanine floor. And I met their pets too, a dog & a cat.

Anna has been so nice to bring me visit each corner of their place. I was attracted to this "Future map of the world" in their office. It shows which part of the world will exist in the future. New lands will rise and some will sink beneath the sea by 2012. I do believe. Disaster are happening everywhere and it is possible that some countries might be gone due to axis shift, global warming and etc. Although it is hard to determine how accurate the prediction will be, it will happen somehow, sooner or later. Here's the site address:

Before she dropped me home, she took me to roam around Northcote suburb. I've always wanted to stay away from the city. Well, maybe in the future. Providing that I have my own car.. haha.. Anyways, she bought me "CHAI". The ingredient for indian tea which is our favourite teh tarik. Will try to boil and "tarik" it tonight. =)

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