Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I'm sick. Well, not very sick actually. I missed class today because I really felt shitty. My nasal was too dry, so does my throat. I was having flu and it sorta bleeds a little when I sneeze too hard. SO.. he took me to the doc. It has never been so sore before. I was afraid that it might cause infection or whatever, so visit a doc won't kill me. She gave me a spray..

I supposed I'm Yit Hei.. Means alot of heat inside my body. He was being so nice the whole day by cooking me porridge, steamed food instead of stir-fry. He also cooked me some very nice soup for hours, said to get rid of the heat.. Hehe.. Just need more rest for now.

Notes for:
Char siew: I received the cookbook today! Thanks!!
Babyhaze: Anytime you want to visit, my pleasure!
Paul: Study hard!

That's all for today, the beauty needs to sleep.. =)

1 Old Comments:

Oh my that sucks...hope you get well soon, btw hope you don't mind, just linked you.

By Blogger , at 2:43 AM, June 10, 2005