Thursday, August 25, 2005

I am extreme

24 hours ago, my mind wasn't in a stable condition. Not any psycho activities of course but just some thoughts. I was considering to quit my studies. God knows what the hell went wrong with my brain cells. I never quit, ever. And after I started blasting it all out, I realised that the problem lies in me.

Here's the situation. I'm turning 24 soon. I graduated 2 years ago with an IT degree and now I'm doing sound engineering.. A total different profession. I know its only 4 more months for me to complete the course but somehow or rather I felt that I'm always stuck in the middle of nowhere. When I was studying IT, I really don't quite enjoy it. I don't know much but at the same time I know alot too. See..

Same thing happening now. I wonder why the rest of my classmates know so much. Because they read? Because they knew all these before they were here? I don't know. Maybe I was holding grudge. It was about Terina. She's my classmate, well the one I "buddy" with in class. We don't go out or chat outside class. Solely CLASSMATE. I wasn't happy about her completing the assignment. I didn't mean anything bad. All the weeks I've been spending in the studio, trying to find out how the console work, research etc etc. All she did was asked me to teach her and she completed in 10 minutes. I understand that "Sharing is caring" but why am I feeling that she's stealing? I hope I'm not being selfish here..

Alright, back to the story. I said I was extreme. YES I AM! I woke up this morning feeling so much better and grudge-less though her msgSS woke me up by asking me how to do this and that. No worries mate! I continued on my assignments then. I love music but when it comes to composing.. geez.. I can't! I need to compose 2 songs, each for 2 minutes. He helped me. Hehe.. luckily he can play piano and luckily he owns a electric piano. He carried it all the way upstairs for me because there isn't enough notes to play on my mini keyboard. =)


5 Old Comments:

oooh. coolness. didn't know that you were doing sound enginnering. i almost ventured into that area.

well, i think you have a bit of 'jealousy'. it's understandable..i get the same feelings too from time to time. well, put your negative energies into doing whatever you're good at. it works. good luck!

By Blogger David Yoong, at 11:09 AM, August 26, 2005  

thanks dah-vid! i will! i know ur the guitarist of the bandwidth.. keep the band spirit alive always!

By Blogger Tracy, at 3:15 PM, August 26, 2005  

i did say once that all man on earth are selfish, but don't take that personally good and bad wan, hehehe. Anyway i also feel like you sometimes just wanna throw everything away, always feeling in the middle things like that, i guess its natural...but 4 more months is a very short time yah, so keep your head up and you'll do fine :)
Good luck

By Blogger , at 3:42 PM, August 27, 2005  

HI tracy, sounds like you are confused at times whic is pretty normal, every one feels it but rarely admit. I like to analyse things. Helps my brain cells. Sorry if I am wrong about you....dr from KL

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:25 PM, September 06, 2005  

hi tracy, i was browsing thro the net for some info on books and stumbled upon your site and this blog thing. frankly I am not computer savvy. went thro the comments and thot of writing down what i felt.all the best in everything....dr from kl

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:56 PM, September 06, 2005