Wahlau today damn hot but still not to the extend humid. I'm considering to sleep downstairs in the living room since the aircond is there. I felt as if I was being slow-cooked the whole afternoon.. First the upstairs window was closed since yesterday due to some insects invasion. The window was open to let some fresh air in but I think the whole village of insects came! They must be on tour or something, they were all sticked to the glass!He helped to vacumm those on the ceiling.
Exactly like last year, we used some cloth with holes, whatever you call it, sticked on the window so that no insects can fly in! But.. very FUGLY..
I'm on detox diet from today!! Initially it is a 5-days plan. Let's see then.. I'm 42kg right now, but my intention is to be more healthy, not weight loss. I can't afford to loss 1 more kg..
Here's my plan. In this 5 days, I'm not suppose to eat meat, dairy products, white flour, sugar and salt. I had cereal this morning, huge bowl to keep me full till lunch while I almost puke while forcing myself to finish it. Then I went coles after class, got lots of fruits and vege like carrot, celery, cucumber, spinach, brocolli, apple etc etc.

Here's my plan. In this 5 days, I'm not suppose to eat meat, dairy products, white flour, sugar and salt. I had cereal this morning, huge bowl to keep me full till lunch while I almost puke while forcing myself to finish it. Then I went coles after class, got lots of fruits and vege like carrot, celery, cucumber, spinach, brocolli, apple etc etc.