Thursday, November 03, 2005

I have to

Took a few pics outside the Mcdonalds near my place.. 3 minutes short walk.

8pm at night still can see sunset.

Didn't know they open 24 hours..

I had salad again this afternoon. I didn't take anything outside my menu today except that I went Mcdonalds for Vege Pesto and fries. At first I thought I really need to have fish burger but forgot that they catered for vegetarian too. Vege Pesto contains no meat, only veges. To sum it all up, I'm not sinful.. hehe..

I'm now planning out my studio booking session again. I realised I don't have much time left.. to finish all. Altogether there are 11 more.. 9 due in February next year - 06/02/06. How the heck am I gonna finish it? Including 3 new ones from yesterday.. I'll be leaving Melbourne on 7/12/05 and probably coming back after chinese new year which is either 12 or 13/2/06. Not that I can't do it when I'm back home, but I'm suppose to use the studio HERE and the gear HERE.

Time flies man, really. From next week onwards, I'll be going in to finish things up during my free days such as Thursday Friday, Saturday. On some weeks which I have only prac on Monday, I'll make use of Tuesday and Wednesday too!! *Fingers crossed*


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