Saturday, August 04, 2007

Dear Sis

How are you? I wanted to write all these down long time ago. After your wedding. But everyday I kept telling myself that time will heal. Yea eventually it will and I think I'm coping it quite well eventhough I still cry once in a while.

Maybe I'm not someone who can express myself properly I admit that. I always like to keep it cool and act as if I'm cold blooded or something. I'm not and I know you know it. You have been so dear and close to me all these while and how well you took care of me when we're away from home.

I don't remember how many times I cried because of missing you. It's both way, happy that you're with the man you love and sad because you're not gonna be here. I understand that really.

Today after work in the shop I went to your condo. Honestly even the condo itself is missing you. The plants are dying, the floor is not clean. If you're here I'm sure you'll never let that happen. I've watered your plants, let some fresh air in and pray in your praying room hoping that you're good in Bali.

Just want you to know that I'll take good care of your place and your dear plants. I promise you that. And it'll be exactly the same when you left and whenever you come back. I was crying when I was driving back and the player has to play keith Urban's Tonight i wanna cry at that time!

Gotta go cry again and getting ready to go out..