I thought this week is only prac week which means I only need to go in on Monday. But didn't know my lecturer changed the timetable, maybe he did mentioned but I didn't hear lo. Since I already booked my studio time for Tuesday I thought I'll just go to class and go in the studio later. I was stucked in the middle of some protest rally. Something about work rights. Road closed, tram wasn't moving and so do I. There's nothing I can do, so I was standing one side watching some very enthusiatic protestant holding banners etc etc. Quite interesting. IN ALL, I missed class and later for studio. I might as well just stay home and sleep.. Anyway, I spent 4 hours in the studio, managed to finish 2 out of 11 assignments. Good job Tracy! My remix sounds damn remix.. hehe..
On Wednesday, I went to class. LAST LECTURE FROM CHRIS! He'll be gone for good! Yay.. don't know why but I'm glad that he's leaving. At least abit good news from him that day. I was exempted from doing 2 of the coming Multimedia assignments. I wouldn't want to do all that again I tell ya. I'm not saying I'm very smart but I really don't see the point of going through Dreamweaver and Photoshop again. Shit thing is they want me to attend class. Sigh.. So I don't understand what's the whole damn point of attending class, learning something I know and exempt me from doing the assignments? I could have spend those time on my other assignments.. Plus, I finally received my Ticket Infringement notice.. for the second time..
Forget about that.. I went out at 10am yesterday. I went to the Post office to send a letter to the Transport Infringement Administration. I want my case to be reviewed. Even the outcome is a yes or no, at least I tried to fight for it. I spent the next 6 hours non stop doing my work. I was so concentrate until I forget to eat, anything in the day. Though I took away some sushi but I only ate it when I got home at about 5. Great news was I managed to finish 2 assignments.. NO.. 1.5. Something was missing in the mix, I must have muted one of those channels! Nevermind.. I know how things work in this studio now.. I've been staring at the screen for too long these whole week and I'm abit phobia now. That was why I seldom online! My eyes need to rest.
To reward myself for being so hardworking.. I made dumplings.. Ya I know still need to do it myself but I LIKE.. need some good food. Self satisfaction.

Thought mine was good enough..

But he can do it better.. *Salute*
As for today, me went driving test. Of course I can make it. I'm the genius who ran over a snake before, bang some ah pek's new car and kena scold like a dog, hit n run in the college while reversing and left the bumper unattended.. etc etc..
Another good news was my article did came out in the magazine. I haven't seen that yet but was told it'll be out today.. Hehe.. And I can write in the next issue BTW! I was told to suggest some interesting topics but she would want me to write about Events. Don't know.
I really need to stay away from the PC now. Woke up too early, eyes sore, long time didn't drive make it worse; haven't been resting enough, bad.. I'll be having the whole tomorrow to stare somemore! Tata..